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Franklin-Reiter Related Message Attack

if we know \(m_1, m_2\)’s cipher \(c_1, c_2\) is encrypted by public key \((n,e)\), and \(m_1, m_2\) satisfy \(m_2 = f(m_1)\) such \(f\) is a polynomial on modulo \(n\), consider

\[ \begin{aligned} g_1(x) & \equiv x^e - c1 \pmod n \\ g_2(x) & \equiv {f(x)}^e - c2 \pmod n \end{aligned} \]

then \(m_1\) is both \(g_1(x)\) and \(g_2(x)\)’s root, so \(\operatorname{gcd}(g_1,g_2) = x - m_1\)


def polynomialgcd(f1, f2):
    if f2 == 0:
        return f1.monic()

    if >
        f1, f2 = f2, f1

    while f2 != 0:
        f1, f2 = f2, f1 % f2

    return f1.monic()

def franklin_reiter(e: int, c1: int, c2: int, f, x):
    - input : `e (int)`, `c1 (int)`, `c2 (int)`, `f (polynomial of x mod n)`, `x (symbol of polynomial mod n)`
    - output : `m1 (int)` , `f(m1) = m2`

    f1 = x ** e - c1
    f2 = f ** e - c2
    return int(-polynomialgcd(f1, f2)[0])