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Variable Scope

  • nested block
        // OUTER BLOCK
            // INNER BLOCK
            // contents of OUTER BLOCK can be access here
        // contents of INNER BLOCK are not accessible here
  • different block
        // BLOCK 1
        // contents of BLOCK 2 cannot be access here
        // BLOCK 2
        // contents of BLOCK 1 cannot be access here
  • global scope
    // all global variables are declared here
    type function1() {
        // all global variables can be access inside function1
    type function2() {
        // all global variables can be access inside function2

Structure & Union


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// Memory Size : 0x34 bytes
struct Book {
    // 0x00 - 0x04
    int id;

    // 0x04 - 0x34
    char book_name[0x30];
} book2;

struct {
} struct_var1, struct_var2, ...;

int main() {
    struct Book book1 = {0, "Harry Potter"};

    printf("Book Info : %d %s\n",, (&book1)->book_name);
    // output : Book Info : 0 Harry Potter

    book2 = book1; = 1;
    strcpy(book2.book_name, "The Lord of the Rings");

    printf("Book Info : %d %s\n",, book1.book_name);
    // output : Book Info : 0 Harry Potter
    printf("Book Info : %d %s\n",, book2.book_name);
    // output : Book Info : 1 The Lord of the Rings

    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

// Memoery Size : 4 bytes (determined by the largest member)
union Var {
    char chr;
    int num;
} var2; 

int main(void) {
    // We can only initialize the first member
    // `union Var var1 = {1234};` is wrong
    union Var var1 = {'x'};

    printf("Var1 Data : %c %d\n", var1.chr, var1.num); 

    var2 = var1;
    var2.num = 0x12345678;

    printf("Var1 Data : %c %d\n", var1.chr, var1.num);
    printf("Var2 Data : %c %d\n", var2.chr, var2.num);

    return 0;


Stream Buffering

Buffering Strategies

  • fully buffered : Characters written to or read from a fully buffered stream are transmitted to or from the file in blocks of arbitrary size (most newly opened streams)
  • line buffered : Characters written to a line buffered stream are transmitted to the file in blocks when a newline character is encountered (stdin, stdout)
  • unbuffered : Characters written to or read from an unbuffered stream are transmitted individually to or from the file (stderr)

Specify Buffering Strategies

#include <stdio.h>

// int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size);
//   stream : stream that we are going to set
//   buf : if it's null pointer, setvbuf will malloc for it, and close when stream closed
//   mode : _IOFBF for fully buffered, _IOLBF for line buffered, _IONBF for unbuffered
//   size : size of buffer
setvbuf(stdout, 0, _IONBF, 0);

Flushing Buffers

some circumstances when buffered output on a stream is flushed automatically :

  • When you try to do output and the output buffer is full
  • When the stream is closed
  • When the program terminates by calling exit
#include <stdio.h>

// int fflush(FILE *stream)
//   stream : output stream that we want to flush, if stream is null pointer, than flush all open output streams


Comments & continued lines

  • Merge continued lines (line that end with backslash) to a long line (this will remove the backslash and new line symbol)
  • Replace all comments to single space

Header Files

  • remove the include directive and insert the preprocess result of file_name
    // Use for include system header files
    // It will search for the file named `file_name` in the standard list of system directories
    #include <file_name>
    // Use for include header files
    // It will search for the file named `file_name` first in the current directory, then the standard list of system directories
    #include "file_name"


  • Object-like macros : replace the macros follow by the definition to the defined code fragment (the body after <macro_name> to the end of the #define line, and remove leading and trailing whitespace, replace multiple space to a single space)
    #define <macro_name> <code_fragment>
    /* let the closest `#define <macro_name> ...` (before this directive) lose effectiveness */
    /* well just for scope after this directive */
    #undef <macro_name>
  • Function-like macros
    #define lang_init() c_init()
    // lang_init() -> c_init()
    #define min(X, Y) ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
    // x = min(a, b); -> x = (((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)));
    #define str(s) #s
    // str(p = "bla\n") -> "p = \"bla\\n\""
    #define FUNC(NAME) { #NAME, NAME ## _func }
    // FUNC(quit) -> {"quit", quit_func}


  • ifdef / ifndef
    #ifdef <MACRO>
    #endif /* MACRO */
    /* --- OR --- */
    #ifndef <MACRO>
    #endif /* NO MACRO */
  • if / defined / elif / else
    #if <C Expression Of Integer Type>
    #endif /* Expression */
    /* --- OR --- */
    #if defined <MACRO> && <C Expression Of Integer Type>
    #endif /* MACRO && Expression */
    /* --- OR --- */
    #if <Expression1>
    #elif <Expression2>
    #else /* !(Expression1) && !(Expression2) */
    #endif /* !(Expression1) && !(Expression2) */


  • gcc -E <source code> -o <output file> : preprocess source code to output file
  • gcc -S <source code> -o <output file> : preprocess & compile source code to output file
  • gcc -c <source code> -o <output file> : preprocess & compile & assemble source code to output file
  • gcc -shared <source code> -o <share object> : compile source code to share object, if any standard lib’s function has used, add -fno-builtin-<func_name>
