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Scope & Namespace


namespace is a space that stores how name map to the object, most namespaces are now implemented as dict

Common Namespace :

  • set of built-in names
  • global names in a module
  • local names in a function invocation
  • set of attributes of an object


scope is a textual region of python program where a namespace is directly accessible. At any time during execution, there are nested scopes whose namespaces are directly accessible

Scope Search Order :

  1. innermost scope, contains the local names
  2. any enclosing functions’ scope, searched starting with the nearest enclosing scope
  3. next-to-last scope, contains the current module’s global names
  4. outermost scope, contains the built-in names

For name is declared by global, then all references and assignments go directly to the next-to-last scope containing the module’s global names

For name is declared by nonlocal, then this name will bind with the nearest variable outside of the innermost scope

For those names that do not belong to the innermost scope, they are read-only


Class Object

Class Definition : when a class definition is entered, a new namespace is created, and used as the local scope. when a class definition is left, a class object is created

class MyClass:
    "Here's your class' docstring"
    i = 10

    def f(self):
        return 'Hello World!'

# we can use MyClass.<name> to access the namespace in MyClass definition
# ex. MyClass.i, MyClass.f, MyClass.__doc__

Instance Object

Class Instantiation :

class Complex:
    def __init__(self, real, imag):
        self.r = real
        self.i = imag

# class instantiation automatically invokes __init__() for the newly created class instance
x = Complex(3, 4)

# now x.r == 3 and x.i == 4
# the namespace of x (Instance Object) will be nested in the namespace of Complex (Class Object)
# we can use x.__class__ to access Complex

Method Object

When a non-data attribute of an instance is referenced, and the name is a valid class attribute that is a function object, then a method object is created by packing the instance object and the function object just found together in an abstract object

class MyClass:
    def f(self):
        # the local namespace here well be nested in the module global namespace
        return 'Hello World!'

x = MyClass()
# x : <__main__.MyClass object at 0x100826b10>
# MyClass.f : <function MyClass.f at 0x10081cb80>
# x.f : <bound method MyClass.f of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x100826b10>>

# call x.f() is same as MyClass.f(x)

# x.f.__self__ : the object that bound with MyClass.f (in this case is x)
# x.f.__func__ : the function object corresponde to the method (in this case is MyClass.f)

Class Inheritance


Attribute Reference : if a requested attribute or method is not found in the class, the search proceeds to look in the MRO of the class

class DerivedClass(BaseClass1, BaseClass2):

# use `isinstance(object, class_name)` to see if object.__class__ is class_name or it's subclass
# use `issubclass(class_name1, class_name2)` to see if class_name1 is class_name2's subclass

# `class ClassName:` is same as `class ClassName(object):`

Method Resolution Order

C3 Algorithm

Shortcut Notation :

  • \(C_1C_2…C_N\) = [\(C_1\), \(C_2\), ..., \(C_N\)]
  • head of \(C_1C_2…C_N\) = \(C_1\)
  • tail of \(C_1C_2…C_N\) = \(C_2C_3…C_N\)
  • \(C\) + \(C_1C_2…C_N\) = \(CC_1C_2…C_N\)

Consider a class \(C\) inheriting from the base classes \(B_1\), \(B_2\), ..., \(B_N\), calculate the linearization \(L[C]\) of the class \(C\)

  1. calc \(L[B_1]\), \(L[B_2]\), ..., \(L[B_N]\)
  2. calc \(\operatorname{merge}(L[B_1], L[B_2], …, L[B_N], B_1B_2…B_N)\)
  3. \(L[C]\) = \(C\) + \(\operatorname{merge}(L[B_1], L[B_2], …, L[B_N], B_1B_2…B_N)\)

calc \(\operatorname{merge}(L[B_1], L[B_2], …, L[B_N], B_1B_2…B_N)\) :

  1. take the head of the first arg
  2. if this head is not in the tail of other args, then add this head to the answer list and remove it from every args
  3. else take the head of the second, third, ... arg and go to 2, if there’s no any valid head then raise an exception
  4. repeat 1 ~ 3 until all the class are remove from args


O = object
class F(O): pass
class E(O): pass
class D(O): pass
class C(D,F): pass
class B(D,E): pass
class A(B,C): pass
L[O] = O
L[D] = D O
L[E] = E O
L[F] = F O
L[B] = B + merge(DO, EO, DE)
     = B + D + merge(O, EO, E)
     = B + D + E + merge(O, O)
     = B + D + E + O
     = B D E O
L[C] = C D F O
L[A] = A + merge(BDEO, CDFO, BC)
     = A + B + merge(DEO, CDFO, C)
     = A + B + C + merge(DEO, DFO)
     = A + B + C + D + merge(EO, FO)
     = A + B + C + D + E + merge(O, FO)
     = A + B + C + D + E + F + merge(O, O)
     = A + B + C + D + E + F + O
     = A B C D E F O
# Use this to see the mro of A
# (<class '__main__.A'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.E'>, <class '__main__.F'>, <type 'object'>)

Class Property

Name Mangling

Change any identifier of the form __<name> to _<class_name>__<name> in class

class MyClass:
    __name = "Curious"

