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  • ldd
    • ldd <binary> : find binary's linked file
  • readelf
    • readelf -S <binary> : display the sections' header
  • objdump
    • objudmp -t <binary> : print symbols and their address
    • objdump -d -M intel <binary> : print the assembly of binary in intel style
    • objdump -T <libc> | grep <function_name> : print <function_name>'s offset in <libc>
    • objdump -R <binary> : print GOT's information
  • strace
    • strace <binary> : trace the system call when <binary> run
  • ltrace
    • ltrace <binary> : trace the library call when <binary> run
  • checksec
    • checksec <binary> : print the protection of binary
  • ROPgadget
    • ROPgadget --binary <binary> : list all the gadget
    • ROPgadget --binary <binary> --only "<pattern>" : list the gadget that match the <pattern>. Ex. ROPgadget --binary <binary> --only "pop|ret"
    • ROPgadget --binary <binary> --only "<pattern>" --multibr : enable multiple branch gadgets
    • ROPgadget --binary <binary> --string "<string>" : find <string> in <binary>
  • one_gadget
  • one_gadget <binary> : print out <binary>'s one gadget and it's condition
  • seccomp-tools
  • seccomp-tools dump <binary> : print out the seccomp rules of the <binary>
  • patchelf
  • patchelf --set-interpreter <> <binary> : set <binary>'s interpreter to <>
  • patchelf --replace-needed <libc> <binaray> : set <binary>'s libc to <libc>
  • gdb
    • run : execute binary
    • countinue : continue running binary
    • start : execute binary and stop at binary's entry point
    • disass <function_name> : disassemble <function_name>
    • break *<address> : set breakpoint at <address>
    • info breakpoint : list breakpoint’s informatino
    • delete <number> : delete <number> breakpoint
    • info register : register’s information
    • x/[number][b/h/w/g][u/d/s/i/x] <address> : print data of <address>, [number] is represent to how many group of data you want to print out, [b/h/w/g] is represent ½/4/8 byte of group size, [u/d/s/i/x] is represent unsigned int / decimal / string / instruction / hex
    • ni : next instruction
    • si : if the instruction isn’t function call, then si is same with ni. but if the instruction is function call, then si will step into the function
    • backtrace or bt : print every information of stack frame
    • set *<address>=<value> : set <address>'s value to <value> for 4 bytes, use set {char/short/long}<address>=<value> for ½/8 bytes
    • fin : finish running current function
    • ctx : refresh gdb’s page
    • vmmap : list the memory layout
    • codebase : print the base address of code
    • libc : print the base address of libc
    • tls ; print the address of tls
    • heapinfo : print heap bin's information
    • parseheap : print heap's information
    • dump memory <file> <start_addr> <end_addr> : dump memory (<start_addr> ~ <end_addr>) to <file>
    • search -t [byte/word/dword/qword] <value> : search <value> in memeory and output the address