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Variable Type

  • Int(name: str) : integer
  • Real(name: str) : real number
  • Bool(name: str) : True or False
  • BitVec(name: str, length: int) : length bits integer


s = Solver()

  • s.add(<condition>) : add condition to Solver
  • s.check() : if there’s a solve for Solver return sat, else return unsat
  • s.model() : return a solve of this Solver. we can use s.model()[x] to get x's value in this solve


  • And([condition1, condition2, ...]) or And(condition1, condition2, ...) : combine these conditions with and
  • Or([condition1, condition2, ...]) or Or(condition1, condition2, ...) : combine these conditions with or


from z3 import *

x = Int('x')
y = Int('y')
z = Int('z')

s = Solver()

s.add(And(x > 0, y > 0, z > 0))
s.add(x + y + z > 10)
s.add(x + y < 5)
s.add(y + z < 12)

while s.check() == sat:
    ans = s.model()
    s.add(Or(x != ans[x], y != ans[y], z != ans[z]))